Polar bears are also called ice bears. Though we see

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Polar bears are also called ice bears. Though we see them as white bears, a research suggests that these bears evolved from grizzly bears about 150,000 years ago. When grizzly bears denied near the sea ice, some of them ventured onto the ice to hunt new foods. Polar bears’ habitat is on the Arctic sea ice, where most of their activities are done there. However, as the frozen ice is constantly changing, they need to adjust their movement on regular basis. Adult male polar bears can range from weights of 365 to 600 kilograms (800 – 1300 pounds) and stand 3 meters (10 ft) tall when they rearing up on their hind legs. The females are smaller, about half the size of the males. Question Get and write two sentences of SIMPLE PAST TENSE from the first paragraph.

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Though we see them as white bears, a research suggests that these bears evolved from grizzly bears about 150,000 years ago. When grizzly bears denied near the sea ice, some of them ventured onto the ice to hunt new foods.

Penjelasan (arti):

Meskipun kami melihatnya sebagai beruang putih, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beruang ini berevolusi dari beruang Grizzly sekitar 150.000 tahun yang lalu. Ketika beruang grizzly menyangkal berada di dekat es laut, beberapa dari mereka memberanikan diri ke es untuk berburu makanan baru.

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21