Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hudamomon010719 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
Also known as Rafetus Swinhoei, the female turtle died in the Suzhou zoo in southern China.
Experts had tried to artificially inseminate the creature, which was over 90 years old, for a fifth time
shortly before she died.
The species is critically endangered due to hunting, overfishing, and the destruction of its habitat.
One male is left in the Chinese zoo while two other turtles live in the wild in Vietnam. The elusive
nature of the turtle means it has been difficult to identify the latter’s gender.
Local staff and international experts had attempted to artificially inseminate the female 24 hours before
she died.
They said, “There were no complications from the operation and she had been in fine health after the
procedure, but deteriorated the next day.”
The cause of her death is being investigated and the turtle’s ovarian tissue was collected for future
1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. What is the text about?
3. Who were involved?
4. Where did the event occur?
5. Why did it occur?
6. What is the first paragraph about?
7. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?
8. What is the purpose of the rest paragraphs?
9. Why is there a sentence written between the quotation marks (paragraph
7)? What do you call such a sentences?
10. What tense is mostly used in the text? Why does it use the tense?
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
Satu dari Empat Penyu Yangtze yang Tersisa Meninggal di Tiongkok
Salah satu penyu paling langka di dunia, cangkang lunak raksasa Yangtze, telah mati di China, hanya menyisakan tiga
Juga dikenal sebagai Rafetus Swinhoei, penyu betina mati di kebun binatang Suzhou di Cina selatan.
Para ahli telah mencoba membuahi makhluk yang berusia lebih dari 90 tahun itu secara artifisial untuk kelima kalinya
sesaat sebelum dia meninggal.
Spesies ini terancam punah karena perburuan, penangkapan ikan berlebihan, dan perusakan habitatnya.
Satu jantan tersisa di kebun binatang Cina sementara dua penyu lainnya hidup di alam liar di Vietnam. Sulit dipahami
Sifat penyu berarti sulit untuk mengidentifikasi jenis kelamin penyu.
Staf lokal dan ahli internasional telah mencoba melakukan inseminasi buatan pada wanita tersebut 24 jam sebelumnya
dia meninggal.
Mereka berkata, “Tidak ada komplikasi dari operasi dan dia dalam kondisi sehat setelah operasi
prosedur, tetapi memburuk keesokan harinya. "
Penyebab kematiannya sedang diselidiki dan jaringan ovarium penyu dikumpulkan untuk masa depan
I hope this helps
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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21