Mohon BantuannyaWrite the correct part of speech for the in

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maryaulfa580 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mohon BantuannyaWrite the correct part of speech for the in brackets words
1. Hundreds were feared dead after a hillside (landslide) occured in Guatemala

2. A (major) earthquake has struck in the area causing widespread damage and killing many people

3. Puerto Rico residents were told to evacuate (immediately) within hours before the hurricane smashed into the island

4. A man was rescued after being (buried) alive for few days under the landslide rubble

5. One of the ways to survive (from) a tornado is to stay as low as possible

6. The avalanche happened very fast and devastatingly buried everything in its way under tons of snow

7. One catastrophic (event) that (could) occur sooner that most of us think is the eruption of Lake Toba's supervolcano

8. Soldiers have joined the rescue workers to help in the worst hit areas of the flood (and) landslide in India​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. At least 30 people have died and hundreds were missing after a landslide struck near Guatemala City

2. At least 304 people have died

3. Puerto Rican authorities have warned residents to “evacuate or die”, with just hours to go before Hurricane Maria tears through the island with winds up to 175mph.

4. A man buried in rubble for almost three days after a landslide hit an area of the south Chinese city of Shenzhen has been pulled out alive. The landslide, which struck early on Sunday, engulfed more than 30 buildings in an industrial

5. Go to the basement or an inside room without windows on the lowest floor

6. temperature is too cold

7. Lake Toba (Indonesian: Danau Toba) (Toba Batak: ᯖᯀᯬ ᯖᯬᯅ) is a large natural lake in North Sumatra, Indonesia, occupying the caldera of a supervolcano. The lake is located in the middle of the northern part of the island of Sumatra, with a surface elevation of about 900 metres (2,953 ft), the lake stretches from 2.88°N 98.52°E to 2.35°N 99.1°E. The lake is about 100 kilometres (62 miles) long, 30 kilometres (19 mi) wide, and up to 505 metres (1,657 ft) deep.

8. At least 26 people have been killed in floods in southern India after heavy rains caused rivers to overflow, cutting off towns and villages.

Five children are among the dead. There are fears the death toll could rise further as many people are missing.


semoga membantu:)

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Sep 22