the following test is for question 25-30Last year was the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari safrinaharefa38 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The following test is for question 25-30Last year was the best experience l've ever got. l was the first winner of singing competition.
l love singing since l was kid and praeticed so hard before the day. my parents were really supportive. they helped me to practiced and prepared healthy good for me. they also gave me motivation to believe in myself. that's winning singing competition meant so much to me.

Tolong tugas B. inggris gue!!!! di teliti membaca teks nya dan di jawab dengan tepat jawabannya nomor 25-30. karna besok dikumpul!!!!!!!! ​
the following test is for question 25-30Last year was the best experience l've ever got. l was the first winner of singing competition. l love singing since l was kid and praeticed so hard before the day. my parents were really supportive. they helped me to practiced and prepared healthy good for me. they also gave me motivation to believe in myself. that's winning singing competition meant so much to me. Tolong tugas B. inggris gue!!!! di teliti membaca teks nya dan di jawab dengan tepat jawabannya nomor 25-30. karna besok dikumpul!!!!!!!! ​

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maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Mon, 29 Aug 22