1. (+) Yuni bought some apples yesterday.A. (-) Yuni did

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bisadibantu79 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. (+) Yuni bought some apples yesterday.A. (-) Yuni did not bought some apples yesterday.

B. (-) Yuni not buying some apples yesterday.

C. (-) Yuni did not buy some apples yesterday.

D. (-) Yuni does not bought some apples yesterday.

2. He climbed the mountain ….

A. right now.

B. two weeks ago.

C. next month.

D. tomorrow.

3. The correct response is ....


A. I’m glad to hear that.

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. I’m very sad to hear that.

D. Oh, that’s terrible.

4. Riri: Did she look for me last night? Doni: No, ….

A. she didn’t

B. she did

C. she doesn’t

D. she does

1. (+) Yuni bought some apples yesterday.A. (-) Yuni did not bought some apples yesterday.B. (-) Yuni not buying some apples yesterday.C. (-) Yuni did not buy some apples yesterday.D. (-) Yuni does not bought some apples yesterday.2. He climbed the mountain ….A. right now.B. two weeks ago.C. next month.D. tomorrow.3. The correct response is ....gambarA. I’m glad to hear that.B. I’m sorry to hear that.C. I’m very sad to hear that.D. Oh, that’s terrible.4. Riri: Did she look for me last night? Doni: No, ….A. she didn’tB. she didC. she doesn’tD. she does​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. A
2. B. Two weeks ago
3. A
4. A. She didnt

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Jun 21