Recount text Rangasdengkloktolong donk cariin bagian when,who,what,event 1, event 2,

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Recount text Rangasdengkloktolong donk cariin bagian when,who,what,event 1, event 2, event 3, event 4 dan reorientation

Rengasdengklok event is the event starts from the "kidnapping" by the number of youth (al Soekarni, Wikana and Chaerul Saleh of association "Menteng 31" against Sukarno and Hatta. Incident occurred on August 16, 1945 at 04.00. WIB, Sukarno and Hatta were taken to Rengasdengklok, Falkirk, to be urged to expedite the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Indonesia, through the

agreement between the old groups represented by Sukarno and Hatta and Mr.. Achmad Subardjo with a young group of when the proclamation will be implemented.

Faced with such pressure, Soekarno and Hatta remain volatile. Meanwhile in Jakarta, Chairul and his colleagues have devised a plan to seize power. But what has been planned is not successfully executed because not all members of the MAP supports the plan.

Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia plans to read Bung Karno and Bung Hatta on Friday, August 17, 1945 at Ikada field (which has now become the field Monas) or at home Bung Karno Stadium in East Jl.Pegangsaan 56. Selected homes because Bung Karno pitch Ikada had spread that there was an event to be held, so that the Japanese soldiers are on guard, to avoid the chaos, the audience-goers during the reading of the text of the proclamation, chosen Sukarno house in East Pegangsaan road No. .56. Text Proclamation prepared in Jakarta, not in Rengasdengklok, not in the house of a Chinese, Djiaw Siong Kie who were expelled from their homes by members of PETA to be occupied by a "group of Jakarta". The manuscript text of the proclamation in the flats in the house Rear Admiral Maeda in Jakarta, not in Rengasdengklok. The flag was flown fighters in Rengasdengklok on Wednesday 16 August, in preparation for the proclamation of Indonesia's independence.

Because there was no news from Jakarta, Jusuf Kunto then sent to negotiate with youth in Jakarta. But when he got in Jakarta, Kunto just met Wikana and Mr. Achmad Soebardjo, then Kunto and Achmad Soebardjo to Rangasdengklok to pick Sukarno, Hatta, Fatmawati and Guntur. Soebardjo Achmad Sukarno and Hatta invites left for Jakarta to read a proclamation Pegangsaan Road 56 East. On 16 midnight troupe arrived in Jakarta.

The next day, the exact date is August 17, 1945 statement echoed the proclamation of Indonesian independence proclamation by Sayuti Melik typed using a typewriter that "borrowed" (exactly actually taken) from the office of the Chief Representative of the German Navy, Major (Sea) Dr. Hermann Kandeler. [1]Background

At the time of Sukarno and Moh. Hatta, leaders want the proclamation made through PPKI, while youth groups want the proclamation made quickly without going through the agency PPKI regarded as made in Japan. In addition, it is done so that Sukarno and Moh. Hatta is not affected by the Japanese. The youth groups worried that real freedom is the result of the struggle of the Indonesian people, be as if a gift from Japan.

Previous group of youths had entered into a negotiation at one institution Pegangsaan bacteriology in East Jakarta, on August 15. In this meeting it was decided that the implementation of freedom removed all ties and relationships with the promise of independence from Japan. The results of the decision presented to Ir. Sukarno Sukarno evening but declined because he felt responsible as chairman PPKI.

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ppki is human dead indonesian

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21