Change the sentence in to passive voice1. Mr. Kim eat

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adityahalilintar86 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the sentence in to passive voice1. Mr. Kim eat noodle (active voice)
...................................(passive voice)

2. We learned English yesterday (active voice)
................................... (Passive voice)​​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. noodle is eaten by Mr. kim [ simple present tense ]
  2. English was learned by us yesterday [ simple past tense ]


  • Simple present tense active

[+] S + V1 (S/es ) atau V1 + O/Complement

[-] S + does / do + Verb infinite + O/complement

[?] Do/does + S + Verb infinite + O/complement?

[-?] Do/does + not ( don't/doesn't) + S + Verb infinite + O/complement?

[?+5W-1H] 5W + 1H ( who/why/when/where/what/how ) + do/does + not ( don't/doesn't) + S + Verb infinite + O/complement?

  • Simple present tense Passive

[+] O + to be ( is/am/are ) + V3 (third verb/gerund ) + by + S/complement

[-] O + to be ( is/am/are ) + not + V3 (third verb/gerund ) + by + S/complement

[?] To be ( is/am/are ) + O + V3 (third verb/gerund ) + by + S/complement?

[-?] To be ( is/am/are ) + not + O + V3 (third verb/gerund ) + by + S/complement?

  • Simple past tense active

[+] S + V2 ( second verb ) + O/complement

[-] S + didn't ( did + not ) + Verb infinite + O/complement

[?] Did + S + Verb infinite + O/complement?

[-?] Didn't ( did + not ) + S + Verb infinite + O/complement?

[-?+5W+1H] 5W + 1H ( who/why/when/where/what/how ) + did + S + Verb infinite + O/C?

  • Simple past tense Passive

[+] O + to be ( was/were <- past ) + V3 + by + S/complement

[-] O + to be ( was/were <- past ) + not + V3 + by + S/complement

[?] To be ( was/were <- past ) + S + V3 + by + S/complement?

[-?] To be ( was/were <- past ) + not + S + V3 + by + S/complement?

  • What is Passive voice meaning ?

Passive voice is the subject does not take action, but receives action. it is the object that is subject to the action.

Answer Details

Subject : English

Category : change the sentences

Material : Passive voice [ Chapter IV ]

Grade : VIII

Level : JHS - Middle school

Question code : 5

Categorization : 8.5.5

  • Keyword : Simple past and present tense.

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21