Ryan, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bagashapiyadi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Ryan, my roommate, and I had a great weekend. Last Saturday we got up early andhad a big breakfast. Then we took bus to go downtown and went to an art museum. The

museum opened at nine o’clock and stayed there all morning.

We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I

liked all the art, but Ryan didn’t like modern art very much, I bought copies of two paintings. I

am going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.

At one o’clock, we were hungry so we had lunch at the museum cafeteria. After lunch,

we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. We were tired,

but we had a good time. On Sunday we stayed home and studied.

1.What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend ?

a. They had a big dinner

b. They went to an art museum

c. They watched people painting

d. They worked part time as a guide

e. They worked part time in a cafeteria

2. Which of the following you don’t agree about Ryan ?

a. Ryan liked all the art displayed

b. Ryan was the writer’s roommate

c. Ryan and the writer had a great weekend

d. Ryan and the writer went to an art museum

e. Ryan and the writer had lunch at the museum cafeteria

3. “I am going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.”(par 2)

The word them refers to …..

a. All art

b. A guide

c. Modern art

d. Beautiful painting

e. Copies of two paintings

4. According to the text, how long did the writer and Ryan spend time in the museum ?

a. Six hours

b. Five hours

c. Nine hours

d. Eight hours

e. Seven hours

5. Ryan and the writer did the following things in the last Saturday, Except ….

a. They studied

b. They took a bus to the art museum

c. They lunch at the museum cafeteria

d. They woke up early and had a big breakfast

e. They were accompanied by a guide in the museum

6. I …. to return this book to the library this morning

a. Forget
b. Forgot

c. Forgotten

d. Forgetting

e. To forget

7. “Why … you absent from the English class ?

a. Do

b. Does

c. Did

d. Were

e. Was

8. I …. you and your family at the party last night

a. See

b. To see

c. Seing

d. Seen

e. Saw

9. When did the guest come ?

They … days ago

a. Came

b. Come

c. To come

d. Coming

e. Be come

10. X : Was there any trouble at the demonstration ?

Y : Yes, about 20 people ….

a. To arrest

b. Arrested

c. Arresting

d. Be arrested

e. Arrest

11. I did not … Mr.George my English teacher month ago

a. See

b. Saw

c. Seen

d. Seing

e. Be seen

12. “When did you …. the English course ?

a. Take

b. Took

c. Taken

d. Taking

e. To take
13. I didn’t … the thunder during the storm last night

a. Hearing

b. To hear

c. Be heard

d. Heard

e. Hear

14. “When did you …. you lost your purse ?

a. Be realized

b. Realizing

c. To realize

d. Realized

e. Realize

15. Sandi : Who put my dictionary ?

Mother : It …. on your desk

a. Is

b. Was

c. Were

d. Be

e. Being​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend?

b. They went to an art museum.

2. Which of the following you don’t agree about Ryan?

a. Ryan liked all the art displayed.

3. The word them refers to …..

e. Copies of two paintings.

4. According to the text, how long did the writer and Ryan spend time in the museum?

d. Eight hours.

5. Ryan and the writer did the following things in the last Saturday, Except ….

a. They studied.

6. I …. to return this book to the library this morning.

b. Forgot.

7. “Why … you absent from the English class?"

C. Did.

8. I …. you and your family at the party last night.

e. Saw.

9. When did the guest come?

They … days ago.

a. Came.

10. X : Was there any trouble at the demonstration?

Y : Yes, about 20 people ….

b. Arrested.

11. I did not … Mr.George my English teacher month ago

a. See.

12. “When did you …. the English course?'

a. Take.

13. I didn’t … the thunder during the storm last night.

E. Hear.

14. “When did you …. you lost your purse?"

e. Realize.

15. Sandi : Who put my dictionary?

Mother : It …. on your desk.

b. Was.


Perhatikan kata yang berhuruf tebal yang merupakan jawaban pertanyaan.

1. Then we took bus to go downtown and went to an art museum.

2. I liked all the art, but Ryan didn’t like modern art very much.

3. I bought copies of two paintings.

4. The museum opened at nine o’clock and stayed there all morning.

We went home at five o’clock.

Untuk soal nomor 6-15 menggunakan simple past tense.

Pola simple past tense adalah

(+) Subject + verb 2.

(-) Subject + didn't + verb 1.

(?) Did + subject + verb 1?

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai simple past tense pada yomemimo.com/tugas/2922461


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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21