1. i .... a lot of sugar yesterday.a. buyb. boughtc.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari putrayudhabahari0301 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. i .... a lot of sugar yesterday.a. buy
b. bought
c. buyed
d. buying

2. we still have ....
a. many water
b. a lot of waters
c. a lot water
d. much water

3. you must work ....
a. hardly
b. with hard
c. with hardness
d. hard

4. can you tell me .... ?
a. where does she live
b. where is she live
c. where she lives
d. where she live

5. how did you come here ? ....
a. by bus
b. on bus
c. with bus
d. at bus

6. thank you ....
a. for you help
b.of you help
c. to your help

7. .... a lot of things to do
a. it is
b. this are
c. for going
d. for go

8. where would you like ... ?
a. to going
b. to go
c. for going
d. for go

9. what time ... for hongkong this morning?
a. he left
b. he was left
c. did he leave
d. was he leave

10. does this house belong to her ? yes ...
a. it does
b. she does
c. it is
d. she is​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. b. bought
2. b. a lot of water (harusnya ga pake s)
3.  d. hard

4. c. where she lives

5. a. by bus ( I came here by bus)

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Sep 22