Please make a conclusion at the dialogue below.. And, please

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bagaskara321 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Please make a conclusion at the dialogue below.. And, please select in the dialog below, which one is included in the recount text discussion..Situation: Kyra was in Verona, Italy last week. She had a family business. And right now, she is telling awesome experience to Rita when she was there. What is that? Check this out!

Rita: "Hey Kyra, I thought you were in Italy."

Kyra: "Hey Rita. Yeah that was true. But I’ve been home since 2 days."

Rita: "How was Italy?"

Kyra: "Wow… It was fantastic overall. But the most wonderful thing that I loved when I watched Adele concert in Verona."

Rita: "Really?!"

Kyra: "Yup."

Rita: "Tell me, how was the concert?"

Kyra: "That was amazing. Adele was all out in that concert. I took a picture of her. Look at this. What do you think about her?"

Rita: "This is a nice picture, Kyra. She has white skin and pointed nose. She has an incredible voice."

Kyra: "In my opinion, She never changes her hairstyle."

Rita: "Yups, She has medium blonde hair."

Kyra: "What did she wear?"

Rita: "I watched her that she wore a black long dress and she wore gold earrings."

Kyra: "Yups, you’re right. She has a tattoo. Do you know it?"

Rita: "Yes, I can see on her left hand. What was the best song that she sang on that concert?"

Kyra: "In my own opinion, “Hello” was an incredible song in that concert."

Rita: "Yeah. I would say that if I watched it in Verona."

Kyra: "I’m sure about it."

Rita: "Let’s watch her concert on youtube."

Kyra: "I’m sorry Rita because I have a plan with my mom."

Rita: "Alright. That’s no problem. See you, Kyra."

Kyra:"See you too."​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Recount text:

Kyra: "Wow… It was fantastic overall. But the most wonderful thing that I loved when I watched Adele concert in Verona."

Kyra: "That was amazing. Adele was all out in that concert. I took a picture of her. Look at this. What do you think about her?"

Rita: "I watched her that she wore a black long dress and she wore gold earrings."

Kyra: "In my own opinion, “Hello” was an incredible song in that concert."

The conclusion : Kyra and Rita both admire Adelle, but Kyra was lucky because she had a chance to watch Adelle's performance's live in Verona, Italy.


Recount text adalah sebuah teks yang menyampaikan kepada pembaca tentang sebuah cerita, aksi atau aktivitas atau sebuah teks yang menceritakan kembali sebuah acara atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lampau. Semoga membantu ya.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh cyberpresent dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21