bantu jawab , thanks​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadiasuuu pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Bantu jawab , thanks​
bantu jawab , thanks​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. C. Both

2. B. Neither

3. C. Both

4. B. Both

5. A. Either

6. B. Both

7. C. Neither/nor

8. C. Either

9. B. Neither/nor

10. A. Both

11. C. Both/and

12. B. Both


A. Introduction of Grammar Both, Either and Neither

Grammar in English has many types. Of all these types, this time we will discuss grammar both, either and neither. The three of them basically have the same function, namely to express the relationship of two objects, either living or inanimate objects. But all three have differences in their use.

B. Grammar Both

B.1. Definition

Grammar both is used as a pronoun to describe the two things previously mentioned. Both has the meaning in Indonesian: "keduanya" or "dua buah benda".

B.2. Structure

S + both + adjective + and + adjective

Both + S + verb + noun + and + noun

B.3. Examples

- She isboth beautiful and smart

- I like basketball, you like basketball. We both like basketball.

C. Grammar Either

C.1. Definition

The grammar either is used as a pronoun followed by an affirmative singular verb and is generally used in negative sentences or questions. Either has the meaning in Indonesian: "salah satunya" or " salah satu dari keduanya"

C.2. Structure

S + either + singular noun

Either + S + plural noun

C.3. Examples

- Both buses go to the New York. We can take either.

- A: Do you want to go to art show with me on Wednesday and Sunday? B: Either day is fine for me.

D. Grammar Neither

D.1. Definition

The grammar neither is used as a pronoun to name two subjects in a negative sentence or question followed by a single affirmative verb. Grammar neither has the meaning in Indonesian: "tak satupun" or "tidak ada yang lain".

D.2. Structure

S + neither + singular noun

Neither of + plural noun

D.3. Examples

- Ana doesn't speak Japanese. Novan doesn't speak Japanese. Neither of them speak Japanese.

- The match was exciting and fierce. Neither wanted to lose.

E. Answer from Questions

1. C. Both

2. B. Neither

3. C. Both

4. B. Both

5. A. Either

6. B. Both

7. C. Neither/nor

8. C. Either

9. B. Neither/nor

10. A. Both

11. C. Both/and

12. B. Both

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Explanation of Grammar Both, Either and Neither =>

Examples of Use of Grammar Both, Either and Neither =>,


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Last Update: Wed, 02 Jun 21