Read the text below. The text is for questions number

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dheaagustin86 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the text below. The text is for questions number 1-4!How to Use Online Transportation
Firstly, you have open online transportation application on your cellular phone.
Then you have to set your pick up point (exactly on the right point) and set your destination point (as set on
GPS). After that, book your order. And wait until your driver comes. Go to your destination. Enjoy your
time with the driver.
Finally, when you arrive at your destination you have to pay for the bill in cash or you can choose non-cash
transaction. Don't forget to give your stars if you are satisfied or not. If you are kind, you may give the
drivers tips.
Have a great time with online transportation
1. What should you have to order an online transportation in your cellular phone?.
A. Data package
D. Online transportation application
B. Pulse
E. Driver's number
2. What do you do first to book a driver from the online transportation service?
A. Set your pick up point
B. Set
your destination
C. Choose the vehicle you need to carry you
D. Set your pick up and destination point
E. Choose the driver
safe to go
Halaman 29​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D Online Transportation Application

2. D. set your pick up point and destination point


good luck

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Last Update: Thu, 24 Jun 21