Practice 4With your partner, complete the gaps in the sentences

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mardiaha236 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Practice 4With your partner, complete the gaps in the sentences below with the correct form
of the verbs in parentheses. It is in simple past or present perfect tense.
1. The plane
(arrive) at New York three hours late.
2. I can't go home until I
(finish) this job.
3. I
(live) in London since I was a little child.
4. As soon as I saw the man, I realized that we
(meet) before, in Caracas.
5. After leaving London, we
(drive) on to Birmingham without stopping.
6. She moved to town, while her husband
(work) overseas.
7. Where can he be? I can only imagine that he
(have) an accident
8. He had worked in the company for 15 years before he
(get) promoted
9. I
(leave) the office after everyone else.
10. Hi, I'm really pleased to see you again, but I'm afraid I (forget) your name.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Practice 4

With your partner, complete the gaps in the sentences below with the correct form

of the verbs in parentheses. It is in simple past or present perfect tense.

1. The plane

(arrived) at New York three hours late. past tense

2. I can't go home until I

(have finished) this job. present tense

3. I

(have lives) in London since I was a little child. past tense

4. As soon as I saw the man, I realized that we

(met) before, in Caracas. past tense

5. After leaving London, we

(would have drove) on to Birmingham without stopping. preset tense

6. She moved to town, while her husband

(have works) overseas. because subjek is "HE/HER"

7. Where can he be? I can only imagine that he

(has) an accident. present tense. because subjek "he"


8. He had worked in the company for 15 years before he

(got) promoted. past tense

9. I

(have leaved) the office after everyone else. present tense, verb

10. Hi, I'm really pleased to see you again, but I'm afraid I (have forget) your name. present tense


PRESENT TENSE menyatakan bentuk kejadian sekarang atau yang akan datang.



PAST TENSE menyatakan bentuk kejadian lampau.


S + V2


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Last Update: Fri, 02 Jul 21