JAKARTA CREATIVE INDUSTRIES I read such an interesting article about the

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JAKARTA CREATIVE INDUSTRIESI read such an interesting article about the 'beauty and diversity' of Jakarta's museums in The Jakarta
Post Magazine's The Museum Week edition. For that reason, I was inclined to share my personal
experience of Jakarta's art and creative scene. I think that Jakarta's art and creative scene is so slim
that a proposal to UNESCO excluded Jakarta from its list of creative cities. According to the proposal, Bandung, Pekalongan, Surakarta, and Yogyakarta are on the list of creative
cities. What did I learn from the absence of Jakarta? It is easier to find malls, blockbuster Hollywood
movies, and traffic jams in Jakarta than inspiring spaces, like musical concerts, animation film festivals,
and batik fashion shows. A friend advised me to visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. I was so surprised that L could not speak a
word. I enjoyed the textile and puppet museums. I also caught Indonesian movies. I was so impressed
that I to buy more books about this country, I think Indonesia is such a potential country that creative
industries develop well. I also see that Jakarta also offers cultural celebrations to enjoy, but they all emphasize Betawi culture. Jakarta is a place where people from Aceh to Papua go. These people surely bring their cultures and
traditions to metropolitan Jakarta. These diverse cultures can promote creative industries in Jakarta
with the support of the government and investors. I am sure that encouragement and funding is required to empower the citizens of Jakarta to reap
economic benefits from creative industries directly and transparently. The melting pot of creativity in
Jakarta has the potential to help not only the lives of Jakartans, but also the economy of Indonesia as a
whole. (Bentley, 2013)
Answer the following questions based on the information from the text. 1. Reading for specific information
a) Who is the writer of the opinion?
b) What is the writer's opinion of Jakarta's creative industries?
2. Reading for main ideas of the text
a) What is the text about?
b) What does the writer suggest about Jakarta's creative industries?
3. Reading to guess meaning of difficult words from the contexts What do the underlined words
a). , I was inclined to share my personal experience of Jakarta's art and creative scene. (paragraph 1)​
b) These diverse cultures can promote creative industries in Jakarta… (P. 4)
c) …encouragement and funding is required to empower the citizens of Jakarta to reap economic
benefits from creative industries … (p. 5)
4. Reading between the lines
What do the underlined words mean ?
I think that Jakarta's art and creative scene is so slim that a proposal to UNESCO excluded Jakarta
from its list of creative cities. (p. 1)
5. Reading for inference
What can we infer from the writer’s suggestion?.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Teks tersebut berisi tentang pengelaman Bentley ketika berada di Jakarta. Ia menjelaskan tentang temuan ia mengenai kekreativitasandan jugapotensi industri kreative yang ada di sana.


a. Bentley

b.  She / He thinks that Jakarta is a potential country whose creative industry is well developed.

2. a. The text is about Bentley's opinion about Jakarta in terms of its creative industry.

b. Bentley suggested to support more Jakarta's creative industry to empower the economic benefits both for Jakarta and Indonesia.

Adapun arti dari kalimat-kalimat tersebut adalah

3. a) saya cenderung untuk berbagi pengalaman pribadi saya tentang seni dan dunia kreatif Jakarta.

b) Budaya yang beragam ini dapat mendorong industri kreatif di Jakarta...

c) ... Dorongan dan pendanaan diperlukan untuk memberdayakan warga Jakarta untuk menuai ekonomi manfaat dari industri kreatif...

4. Menurut saya, seni dan kancah kreatif Jakarta sangat tipis sehingga proposal ke UNESCO mengecualikan Jakarta dari daftar kota kreatifnya.

5. From the writer's suggestion we can conclude that the various differences, Indonesia has promising potential in terms ofcreative industry. And with the support from the government and investors, Indonesia's creative industries will provide benefits to Indonesia's economic growth.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut tentang materi cerpen bahasa inggris yomemimo.com/tugas/2320016



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Last Update: Sun, 23 Oct 22