Look at each picture below, then make at least five

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari exacristie7 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Look at each picture below, then make at least five sentences about the activities those are doingby the people/characters at the pictures, by using the right present continuous tense!
1. Sisca is sitting with her dog.
2.Sisca's dog is sitting beside her.
3. It is staring at Sisca.
4. Sisca are thinking about something.
5. She is thingking about what will she give to
her mother at her mother's birthday.
6. Sisca's dog is waiting for her patiently.
7. Etc.
Now, make your own sentences based on each picture below!
Look at each picture below, then make at least five sentences about the activities those are doingby the people/characters at the pictures, by using the right present continuous tense!Examples:1. Sisca is sitting with her dog.2.Sisca's dog is sitting beside her.3. It is staring at Sisca.4. Sisca are thinking about something.5. She is thingking about what will she give toher mother at her mother's birthday.6. Sisca's dog is waiting for her patiently.7. Etc.Now, make your own sentences based on each picture below!ENGLISH​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


She is pointing to the castle

Her friends is looking to the castle

The boy in blue shirt is looking to the map

They are heading to the castle

The man in red shirt is sitting

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Jun 21