A. Arrange the jumbled words or phrases into sentences. 1. food

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jamescrafter27 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Arrange the jumbled words or phrases into sentences.1. food / eat / at/ fancy / they / almost / restaurant / never / the. THEY ALMOST NEVER EAT FOOD AT THE FANCY RESTAURANT.

2. usually / weekend / at / do / work / you? DO YOU USUALLY WORK AT WEEKEND?

3. spend / Ramadhan / money / more / months / people / much / often / in / than / other

4. day / purchases / internet / the/ millions / on / every / of / people / make. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE MAKE PURCHASES ON THE INTERNET EVERY DAY.

5. pursued / women / past / was / career / acceptable / in / considered / the / who /not. WOMEN WHO PURSUED CAREER WAS NOT CONSIDERED ACCEPTABLE IN THE PAST.

6. wallet / but / missing / cash / had / the / found / removed / been / the / was. THE WALLET WAS FOUND BUT THE CASH HAD BEEN REMOVED.

7. is / impossible / if / breath / keep / fresh / to / pollution / air / it / the / increasing / gas. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BREATH FRESH AIR IF THE GAS POLLUTION KEEP INCREASING.

8. ointment / applied / can / needed / is / the / it / be / where. THE OINTMENT CAN BE APPLIED WHERE IT IS NEEDED.

9. beautiful / you / what / garden / have/ a! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN YOU HAVE!

10. want / youtubers / kids / why / many / be / days / these / to? WHY MANY KIDS WANT TO BE YOUTUBERS THESE DAYS?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


you have answered


why u answered you're question ? uhh....

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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22