Listen to the recording (see pege w) Then complete the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yonnakim38 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Listen to the recording (see pege w) Then complete the textbelow with your friend

once upon a time in a small village in sambas west Kalimantan
lived.............Named mak minah she had three children
two sons and a daughter Their names were utuh ucin and Diang
Everyday Mak Minah always went to collect some fire woods she always worked alone Her three children were lazy and never helped her
one day Mak Minah did not feel well after selling the
woods in the market she wanted to go to the bed
However dinner was not ready yet she asked her three
children to help her but nobody listened to her Mak Minah then........... Herself to prepare the dinner when it was ready she called her children to have dinner they came and Had
dinner but after eating they left their mother and played again
mak minah coled she was so sad it was not the finsh time her children..........her she was
so sick so she went to bed
Immediately in the morning mak minah went to the
riverside There was........ stone called betangkup stone
the stone had magicial power it could open and dose its
body We a sea shell the stone could Also talk to Humans
In front of the stone mak minah cried and begged to be.........
betangkup stone then opened its body mak minah went
inside but Her
hair was still...........of
the stone
in the meantime utuh ucin and diang Woke up and felt hungry breakfast was not ready so they were looking for their mother the children went here and there to find their mother ............. they were in front of the betangkup stone they Saw their mother was inside betangkup stone's body their mother would never return

isikan jawaban yang di titik titik tersebut ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Once upon a time, in a small village in Sambas, West Kalimantan, there lived a widow Named mak minah she had three children

two sons and a daughter Their names were utuh ucin and Diang

Everyday Mak Minah always went to the jungle to collect some fire woods she always worked alone Her three children were lazy and never helped her

one day Mak Minah did not feel well after selling the

woods in the market she wanted to go to the bed

However dinner was not ready yet she asked her three

children to help her but nobody listened to her Mak Minah then forcedHerself to prepare the dinner when it was ready she called her children to have dinner they came and Had

dinner but after eating they left their mother and played again

mak minah coled she was so sad it was not the finsh time her children did not help her and ignored her she was

so sick so she went to bed

Immediately in the morning mak minah went to the

riverside There was a magical stone called betangkup stone

the stone had magicial power it could open and dose its

body We a sea shell the stone could Also talk to Humans

In front of the stone mak minah cried and begged to be for help

betangkup stone then opened its body mak minah went

inside but Her


hair was still outside of

the stone

in the meantime utuh ucin and diang Woke up and felt hungry breakfast was not ready so they were looking for their mother the children went here and there to find their mother. Finally, they were in front of the betangkup stone they Saw their mother was inside betangkup stone's body their mother would never return

jawabannya yang ku bold yaa...

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21