1. What do you know about application letter? Please explain

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari septianid39 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. What do you know about application letter? Please explain clearly!2. When writing an application letter, we should include some important point in writing

application letter, mention 4 parts of writing an application letter include the definition of each


3. Why we should write a good application letter?

4. In writing an application letter we should attach Curriculum Vitae (CV), What do you know about

Curriculum Vitae, explain!

5. What data can we put in Curriculum Vitae and why it should be clearly? Explain!

6. In write Curriculum Vitae usually put educational background, Please write your educational

background from elementary school until Vocational High School!

7 Which part we explain our work experience in application letter?

8. When we apply for a certain position in a company we usually look on the job vacancy, please

mention what usually put in the job vacancy?

9. What the definition of expressing necessity?

10. Write at least 3 rules when we are visiting the following place. Use expressing of necessity “must”

and “must not”!

a. At the school

b. At the hospital

c. At the zoo​

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ngak bisa bahasa ingriss

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21