1. What is the theme of this song?2. how is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurlaili477 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. What is the theme of this song?2. how is the singer feeling?
3. “Until you come and sit awhile with me”
What can be infered from this sentence?
4. “You raise me up, so i can stand on mountains”
What does this sentence mean?
5. “ I am strong when i Ambon your shoulders”
Based on the sentence, what can we conclude?
6. “ You raise me up to more than i can be”
Based on the sentence, what can we conclude?
7. Who is Josh Groban?​
1. What is the theme of this song?2. how is the singer feeling?3. “Until you come and sit awhile with me” What can be infered from this sentence?4. “You raise me up, so i can stand on mountains” What does this sentence mean?5. “ I am strong when i Ambon your shoulders” Based on the sentence, what can we conclude?6. “ You raise me up to more than i can be” Based on the sentence, what can we conclude?7. Who is Josh Groban?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1 You Raise Me up

2 moved, touched

3 The Lord cares about us, and will never leave us

4The Lord will always sustain us from our troubles in this life.

5 We can do all things through God, who strengthens us.

6 we can do more good things if we are with Him than without Him.

7. Songwriter, singer.

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Last Update: Sat, 24 Jul 21