Read the cause, write the effect,then write the complte sentence

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Gladysita4419 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the cause, write the effect,then write the complte sentence using the Connector .The frist one has been done for you.1.Cause : It was very windy.
Effect : All fights were cancelled.
Sentence : It was very windy; therefore, all the flights
Were cancelled
2.Effect: The birds normally can fly
Cause :
Sentence :

3.Cause : Due to the hot weather
Effect :
Sentence :

4.Effect : Fahert can't home early today.
Cause :
Sentence :

5.Cause : It is raining now
Effect :
Sentence :

6.Cause : Because of her reclessness
Effect :
Sentence :

Bantu jawab please ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2. Effect: The birds normally can fly

Cause : Birds living in the wild

Sentence : Birds that living in the wild normally can fly.

3.Cause : Due to the hot weather

Effect : get thirsty easier

Sentence : Due to the hot weather, we more likely to get thirsty.

4.Effect : Father can't home early today.

Cause : This is the peak time of the year

Sentence : Because this is the peak time of the year, father can't go home early today, he still busy.

5.Cause : It is raining now

Effect : The baketball practice cancelled

Sentence : It is raining now, so the basketball practice cancelled


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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21