retell the story of bawang merah and bawang putih by

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Retell the story of bawang merah and bawang putih by using yaur own words?​

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Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih

The days of yore in a village lived a family consisting of a father, mother and a teenage girl named beautiful garlic. They are a happy family. Although father garlic only merchants, but they live peacefully and get along well. But one day the mother of garlic ill and eventually died. Garlic is very similarly bereaved father.

In the village lived also a widow who has a child named red onion. Since the mother died, the mother of garlic red onions often pay a visit to the home of the garlic. He often brought food, garlic helps take care of the House or simply accompany the garlic and his father chatting. Finally the father of garlic thinking that it might be better if he was married to the mother of the onion, the garlic not so lonely anymore.

With consideration of the garlic, then the father is married to the mother of garlic shallots. Initially the mother of red onions and shallots are very good to Provence. But their real nature gradually started to become visible. They often scold the garlic and give him heavy work if the father is away the garlic trade. Garlic must be worked on all the homework, while Bawang merah and her mother just sitting alone. Of course Daddy garlic don’t know it, because the garlic never tell it.

One day Father Garlic fell ill and later died. Since then the onion and his mother are increasingly powerful and arbitrarily against garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to be up before dawn, to prepare the bath water and breakfast for onion and his mother. Then she had to feed the cattle, watering gardens and washing clothes to the river. Then he must still be ironed out, took care of the House, and many other jobs. But garlic is always doing his job with glee, because he hoped that someday his stepmother would love him as his own son.

This morning as usual garlic brought a basket containing the clothes that will be dicucinya in the river. With a small singing him down a path on the edge of a small forest of the usual kind. That day the weather was sunny. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes which he carried. I was so too excitedly, garlic is not aware of bahwasalah one shirt has been drifting are carried by the current. That wretched clothes drift is the favourite clothes his stepmother. When realizing it, clothes his stepmother has drifted too far. Try garlic down the River to look for her, but did not manage to find it. In desperation he returned home and told his mother.

“Basic sloppy!” snapped his stepmother. “I don’t want to know, anyway you have to find that dress! And don’t dare go home if you don’t find it. Understand? “

Garlic is forced to obey his wishes ibun. He immediately down the place to wash. Mataharisudah start rising, but garlic also has yet to find his mother’s clothes. She put up her eyes, carefully diperiksanya every juluran root protrusion into rivers, who knows his mother’s clothes get caught there. After stepping away and the Sun was already leaning to the West, the garlic look a shepherd who are bathing kerbaunya. The garlic then asked: “o good, whether Uncle Uncle looking red dress who drift through here? Because I had to find it and bring it home. “ “Ya last I see nak. If you pursue fast–fast, maybe you could pursue that, “said his uncle was.

“Well uncle, thank you!” said the garlic and immediately ran back down. Today is already getting dark, the garlic had started to despair. Night will soon arrive, and garlic. From a distance it looks light that comes from a shack on the banks of the river. Garlic immediately approached the House and mengetuknya.

“Excuse me!” said the garlic. An old woman opened the door.

“Who are you son?” asked Grandma to it.

“I am a garlic nek. Just now I’m looking for my mother’s clothes are drifting. And now kemalaman. May I stay here tonight? “asked garlic.

“Be nak. Whether you’re looking for an outfit that is red? “asked Grandma.

“Yes nek. What … my grandmother found it? “asked the garlic.

“Ya. Last shirt was stuck in front of my house. It’s a shame, but I liked the shirt, “said the grandmother. “Well I’m going to return it, but you have to keep me company used to be here for a week. Been a long time I had a conversation with anyone, how? “the pinta‘s grandmother. Garlic is thought for a moment. Granny looks lonely. Garlic ever feel pity. “Nek, I would accompany my grandmother for a week, my grandmother is not bored just me,” said the garlic with a smile.During the week the garlic stayed with Grandma. Daily garlic helps work the works of Grandma’s House.Of course it’s grandma was pleased. Until eventually even already a week, Grandma ever call garlic.

“Son, already a week you’re living here. And I’m glad because you’re a diligent and dutiful son. For that match my promise you may bring suits your mother home. And one more, you may choose one of two pumpkin as a gift! “said the grandmother

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Last Update: Sun, 11 Jul 21