Answer the questions based on the instruction 1. My father always

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kinantipr15 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Answer the questions based on the instruction1. My father always has dinner with family.

The interrogative sentence is......

2. I did my homework lastnight.

The negative sentence is....

3. I send him a letter every week.

The Passive voice of the sentence is....

4. Complete the sentence with your own word

If ........., I will continue my study to University.

5. Complete the sentence with your own word

I would treat you If........

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. does my father always have dinner with family?

2. i didn't my homework last night.

3. a letter is sent him by me every week

4. conditional sentences type 1

if i have money , i will continue my study to university.

5. conditional sentences type 2

i would treat you if you had admited your mistakes.


1. menggunakan rumus simple present tense interogatif, untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan:


(?) do/does + subject + have + noun/complement

do utk subject they,we,you,i

does utk subject he,she,it

2. menggunakan pola past tense :

(+) S + v2 + O/C

(-) S + did + not + v1 + O/C

(?) did + S + v1 + O/C?

past tense btk negatif dan interogatif tetap menggunakan verb 1.

3. menggunakan pola Passive voice simple present tense:

O + is,am,are + V3 (past participle) + by + S/C

di Passive voice, subject menjadi objek, objek menjadi subjek.

4. conditional sentences type 1:

ada kata kata will.

5. conditional sentences type 2;

ada kata kata would.

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Last Update: Tue, 22 Jun 21