Stative passive Directions: Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mutissh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Stative passiveDirections: Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the words in the list.

Do Exhaust
 Lose
Plug in
Turn off

1. Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some directions? I am lost
2. Let’s find another restaurant. This one____________ too _____________. We would have to wait at least an hour for a table.
3. The meeting ____________ for tomorrow at nine
4. That’s hard work! I ____________. I need to rest for a while.
5. You told me one thing, and John told me another. I don’t know what to think. I ___________
6. I can’t open the window. It _________________
7. Louise is probably sleeping. The lights in her room ______________
8. Mrs. Wentworth’s jewelry _____________ for 50,000.
9. Carolyn and Joe were married to each other for five years, but now they _______________.
10. I thought I had left my book on this desk, but it isn’t here. It _____________. I wonder where it is ______________.
11. I’m sorry. You ______________ not _____________for the job. We need someone with a degree in electrical engineering.
12. I love my wife. I _____________ to wonderful woman.
13. We can’t eat this fruit. It _______________, we’ll have to throw it out.
14. We’d better call a plumber. The water won’t go down the drain. The drain _______________.
15. Vietnam _________________ in Southeast Asia.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Excuse me, sir. Could you give me some directions? I am lost

2. Let’s find another restaurant. This one is too crowded. We would have to wait at least an hour for a table.

3. The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at nine

4. That’s hard work! I am exhausted. I need to rest for a while.

5. You told me one thing, and John told me another. I don’t know what to think. I am confused

6. I can’t open the window. It is stuck

7. Louise is probably sleeping. The lights in her room is turned off

8. Mrs. Wentworth’s jewelry is insured for 50,000.

9. Carolyn and Joe were married to each other for five years, but now they are divorced.

10. I thought I had left my book on this desk, but it isn’t here. It is gone. I wonder where it is located.

11. I’m sorry. You arenotborn for the job. We need someone with a degree in electrical engineering.

12. I love my wife. I am married to wonderful woman.

13. We can’t eat this fruit. It is spoiled, we’ll have to throw it out.

14. We’d better call a plumber. The water won’t go down the drain. The drain is blocked.

15. Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia.

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21