Sunlight brings energy to the Earth. This light turns to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari doriasyafiq6688 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Sunlight brings energy to the Earth. This light turns to heat when it hits the ground. The heat in turn seeps away from the Earth, but the atmosphere slows the heat's escape.The atmosphere is a layer of air around the planet. It holds in the same of the warmth. The atmosphere is a mixture of many gases. In the last 250 years, this mixture has been changing. The amounts of gases such as methane and carbon dioxide have been rising.
These gases trap heat more effectively than other gases. They make the Earth's atmosphere act like the glass in a greenhouse. It lets sunlight in, but it doesn't let heat out. As a result, heat is building up close to the surface.

14. The above text is about.... *

A. what causes the global warming

B. how the sun heats the Earth

C. what makes the atmosphere

D. how the earth changes fast

15. The Earth is becoming hotter and hotter because... *

A. the surface of the earth block the heat

B. methane and carbon dioxide

C. the glass in a greenhouse

D. the light of the sun

16. "It lets sunlight in, but it doesn't let heat out." (Paragraph 2) The word" it" in the sentence refers to ... as the glass in a greenhouse. *

A. the trap of the gasses

B. the amounts of gasses

C. the role of the atmosphere

D. the sunlight outside the world

17. Which one is the effect of the situation when the Earth becomes hotter? *

A. The earth will get flooded as the resuIt of the continuous rain.

B. All countries will get drowned as the water of the acean arises.

C. There will be five seasons in the world because of the change.

D. Same islands of the world will experience huge floods.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


14. A

15. C

16. A

17. A

Maaf Kalo salah

Edit: aku merasa kenal dengan nama anda

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21