Questions 7 to 9 refer to the following text. How to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari selvianisa2204 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions 7 to 9 refer to the following text.How to Take Acyclovir
- Before you treat your skin.Read carefully the information inside the pack.
- The type of your skin infection makes the dosage different.It depends on the infection.You have to follow your doctor in determining the dosage.
- It can be with or without food
- If you feel that your infection is fine,keep taking acyclovir until the course is finished to prevent the infection coming back.This course is about 2 to 10 days.
- If your doctor gives you a tablet,it can be devided into small parts to make it easy to swallow
- If you forget to take a dose,take it soon after you remember.
- Acyclovir could cause your skin to become sensitive, so avoiding sun light is better.
- Keep all medicine away from the children.

7. What does the text talk us about?
A. Story of using acyclovir.
B. Explanation about how to avoid negative effects.
C. A few steps to take acyclovir.
D. Information about what acyclovir is.

8. What is the language feature of the text?
A. Simple past tense.
B. Simple present tense.
C. Present Continuous tense.
D. Simple future tense.

9. Why should we keep taking acyclovir although our infection is fine?
A. To obey the doctor’s advice.
B. To avoid other infections.
C. To prevent the infection coming back.
D. To make our skin not sensitive.

10. Delon : Do you hear news about the controversy of the news bridge’s plan ?
Dewi : Yes even though the contruction cost is high.The new bridge . . . next year
A. is built C. will be built
B. was built D. is being built

11. Many books . . . one of the best is “ how to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie.
A. have written about success C. have been written about success
B. written about success D. about success

A. Alby : What are you plans for your next holiday ?
B. Rizky : ............
C. The flight number is GA 981 C. I went to Bali
D. I think I ‘ll take a Japanese course D. I have asked the mechanic for it

12. Rudi : How do you feel, Bonny?
Bonny : I don’t feel well, I think .......
A. I am going to go Board C. the doctor won’t come
B. it is going to rain D. I’m going to throw

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


7.A. Story of using acyclovir.

8.B.Simple present tense.

9.C.To prevent the infection coming back.

10.D. is being built

11.C.Have been written about success

12.A I am going to go Board


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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jul 21