Change the Sentence into Passive or Active Form !1. My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kylxzz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the Sentence into Passive or Active Form !1. My Brother buys drawing pen every month.
2. Dimas is teaching English today.
3.My mother cooks rice every morning.
4. Achmad read Al Qur'an last night.
5. Rasya is washing his clothes now

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. drawing pen is bought by my brother every month (present tense)

2. English is being taught by Dimas today (present continuous)

3. rice is cooked by my mother every morning (present tense)

4. Al Qur'an was read by achmad last night (past tense)

5. his clothes is being washed by Rasya now. (present continuous)


semua Passive voice diatas menggunakan 3 jenis tense

pola Passive voice present tense:

S(direct O) + to be + verb 3 (past participle) + by + O(agent)/C

pola Passive voice present continuous:

S(direct O) + to be + being + Verb3 + by + agent/C

pola Passive voice past tense:

direct object + was/were + Verb3 + by + agent/C


*Passive voice adalah kalimat Dimana subject menerima tindakan dari objek, bukan melakukan tindakan, justru objek yang dikenai tindakan.

➡️*atau bisa juga disebut objek di Passive voice menjadi subjek sedangkan subject di Passive voice menjadi objek.

Passive Voice juga digunakan jika subject tidak diketahui.


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Last Update: Tue, 15 Jun 21