TETask 5Read the text below!Over one thousand years ago, there

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari liverpool69 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

TETask 5
Read the text below!
Over one thousand years ago, there lived a king who ruled over the lands that lay near the
mouth of the Vistula River. When the king died, his wealth was left to his three sons, Lech, Czech
and Rus. Their father's kingdom was not large enough to be divided between the three brothers,
so they decided to set out in search of other lands.
Lech was the oldest and became the new chief. His brothers were jealous and the three
often quarreled over which of them would make the best leader. After months of weary travel
, the
three brothers came upon a hill in a land of green meadows. At the top of the hills stood a giant
Oak tree, and above the tree flew a great white eagle.
"That eagle is a good sign from the Gods!" Lech told his brothers. I'm going to climb this
tree and have a look around." As Lech climbed up the tree he saw the eagle's nest high in the
branches. The eagle flew near him and would not let him come close to the nest. But he had
climbed high enough to see for miles in every direction.
To the north Lech saw a large body of water. To the east he saw an endless plain of flat and
fertile land and to the south were hills where sheep and cattle could graze.
To the west was a
thick, dark forest. Lech came down and told his brothers what he had seen. Czech wanted to go
south and Rus argued that east would be better. Finally, the three brothers decided to separate.
The people who agreed with Czech went with Czech. The people who agreed with Rus went with
Rus. But most of the people remained with Lech and asked him which way he planned to go.
"We will stay right here!" Lech told them. Thus, Lech became the first Duke of Poland and
he assumed leadership of the Western Slays. So, the people began to build a town there on the
hill, and Lech chose the white eagle with its wings spread wide as their emblem. They called
their town Gniezno, which means "A Nest" in the Slavic language. The town became the capital
of their nation. As time went on their country became known as Poland.
(Source: en.m.wikipedia.org)
Task 6
Answer the questions below!
1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. Why did the brothers seek for other lands?
3. What did the first brother see on the top of the tree?
What did he see in the east?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The King (inactive), Lech, Czech, Rus, and people who follow them (inactive).

2. Because the kingdom of their father (The King) was not large enough to be divided between them.

3. He saw the eagle's nest high in the


4. To the east he saw an endless plain of flat and

fertile land.


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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21