asalammualaikum tolong bantu kak​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ahmadhavezansyariahm pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas


tolong bantu kak​
asalammualaikum tolong bantu kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Announcement is a short functional text that informs people about something. Announcement is often seen in public area, such as at school, hospital and other public places.


Let's answer the questions.

1. Who wrote the announcement?

The McMaster Mini-Med School wrote the announcement.

Jawaban dari soal ini dapat dilihat di logo pengumuman. Karena tidak tertulis siapa penulisnya, maka penggantinya adalah nama instansinya.

2. Who is the announcement for?

The announcement is for McMaster Mini Med School student s.

Jawaban soal ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat pertama paragraf pertama: "... become a McMaster Mini-Med student in 2008 and welcome you to become a student in 2009."

3. What is the announcement about?

The announcement is about registration.

Jawaban dari soal ini dapat dilihat pada kalimat pertama paragraf kedua.

4. How long does the term last?

The term lasts seven weeks or from March 3 to April 14, 2009 .

5. How does the registration occur?

Registration will occur on first come basis.

What does that mean?

That means the students should register as soon as possible.

6. What will the school do to the other applicants when all student sports are full?

All other will be placed in waiting list and will be contacted as spots are available when all student spots are full.

7. What do the participants receive?

The participants receive

A reserved spot in McMaster Mini-Med School Class 2009

An "official" Mini-Med School tote bag

An "official" Mini-Med School clipboard and pen

An "official" Mini-Med School Stadium blanket

An "official" Mini-Med School travel book light

A McMaster Mini-Med School Certificate of Attendance that will be presented on the last day of classes

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Purpose of announcement text dapat dilihat di

Pengertian announcement dapat dilihat di

Contoh announcement tentang hari Kartini dapat dilihat di


Detil jawaban

Kelas: Senior high school

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Announcement

Kode: -

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh tau34 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Fri, 16 Jul 21