Change the following sentences into the present continuous tense!Andy and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari suryautama1369 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the following sentences into the present continuous tense!Andy and Rahmat read two books in the library.

Sabrina plays a violin in her cousin birthday party.

Our teachers teach us english once a week.

Her mother doesn't come to school to meet my teacher.

Do you buy a new phone?

Fani and Nisa don't take the English course

Does your father write this message?

plis jawab bro​

besok dikumpul

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Andy and Rahmat are reading two books in the library.

Sabrina is playing a violin in her cousin birthday party.

Our teachers are teaching us english once a week.

Her mother isn't coming to school to meet my teacher.

Are you buying a new phone?

Fani and Nisa aren't taking the English course

Is your father writing this message?


Rumus present continuous tense:

subject + am/is/are + verb ing + object

subject + am/is/are + not + verb ing + object

am/is/are + subject + verb ing + object?

I hope it helps you!

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Last Update: Sat, 17 Jul 21