1. Where is the location of Prambanan Temple?2. What is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dewiumami729 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Where is the location of Prambanan Temple?2. What is the temple dedicated to?
3. Mention complexes that divide Prambanan Temple!
4. What can we find at the inner complex of Prambanan Temple?
5. What attracts visitors to visit Prambanan Temple?

Mohon dibantu ya kk bagi yg ngerti bhs.Inggris jawab dgn lengkap ya kk dan jangan asal

1. Where is the location of Prambanan Temple?2. What is the temple dedicated to?3. Mention complexes that divide Prambanan Temple!4. What can we find at the inner complex of Prambanan Temple?5. What attracts visitors to visit Prambanan Temple?Mohon dibantu ya kk bagi yg ngerti bhs.Inggris jawab dgn lengkap ya kk dan jangan asal​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Prambanan Temple is located in Bokoharjo, Prambanan Sleman, DI Yogyakarta

2. Prambanan temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, the symbol of Trimurti in Hindu belief.

3. Prambanan Temple is a Hindu temple complex which has 8 main temples and more than 250 small temples around the main temple. This temple is also often referred to as the Roro Jonggrang Temple

4. What can be found in Prambanan Temple is:

• Super Green Shady Garden

• Perwara temple ruins

• 3 Trimurti Temples & 3 Wahana Temples

• Earthquake Monument May 27, 2006

• Can visit the three other temples

• Shop for souvenirs at Lopak

5. The story of Roro Jonggrang at Prambanan Temple makes domestic and foreign visitors interested in visiting Prambanan Temple. In addition, they are also interested in the beauty and luxury of Prambanan Temple

I hope my answer can help you^^

please respect my answer:)



Regards: annyeonghaseyek!

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jul 21