Practise the foll Miko Hey, Dara! Dara: Yes? Miko: Please

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vivitnurainin pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Practise the foll Miko Hey, Dara! Dara: Yes? Miko: Please tell me how to make a library card. Dara: You have to fill in a form. Miko: Where do I get the form? Dara: You can get it in the library. You should meet Ms Tania. 6. Miko: The librarian? Dara: Yes. She will guide and help you get a library card. Do you know what I mean? Miko: Yes, I do. When, in your opinion, is the best time to meet her? Dara: I think breaktime is the best time. Miko: Thank you for the information. Dara: Anytime. Task 6 Answer the questions based on the previous dialogue! 1. "Hey, Dara!" What does the phrase show? Answer: Attention 2. What information does Miko ask? Answer: 3. Who is the librarian? Answer: 4. Why must Miko meet Ms Tania? Answer: 5. What expression is used in the underlined sentence? Answer: Does Miko understand what Dara means? Answer: 7. Find the expression of asking for an opinion in the dialogue! Answer: 8. Find the expression of giving an opinion in the dialogue! Answer: W ma the​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The phrase is a greeting and a demand of attention .

2. Miko ask about how to make a library card.

3. The librarian is Ms Tania.

4. In order to ask her how to make a library card.

5. The expression is not attached.

6. Miko understands what Dara means.

7. The expression of asking for an opinion in the dialogue is "When, in your opinion, is the best time to meet her?"

8. The expression of giving an opinion in the dialogue is "I think breaktime is the best time."


Dalam dialog di atas ada unsur meminta dan memberikan opini atau pendapat. Ekspresi yang sering digunakan dalam asking or giving opinion (meminta dan memberikan opini) adalah:

  • When, in your opinion, is the best time to meet her?
  • I think breaktime is the best time.

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Last Update: Mon, 24 Oct 22