Ubah kalimat ini menjadi positif, negatif atau interogatif,1. My sister

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zainafauzia653 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Ubah kalimat ini menjadi positif, negatif atau interogatif,1. My sister got a bucket of flowers this morning
2. Did you know our new teacher?
3. Arini did not go to bali last night
4. He was my new friend
5. Did you find my new wallet?
6. They did not play games after school
7.Roland had a beautiful bird named birdy
8. We needed some help this morning
9. Did they do the homework soon?
10. She left her bag in the class yesterday.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



(+)  --> kalimat positif

(-)  --> kalimat negatif

(?) --> kalimat introgatif

jangan sampe ketuker ya hehehe

1. (+) My sister got a bucket of flowers this morning

(-)  My sister doesnt get a bucket of flowers this morning

(?) Does My sister get a bucket of flowers this morning?

2. (?) Did you know our new teacher?

(+) You know our new teacher

(-) You didnt know our new teacher

3.(-) Arini did not go to bali last night

(+)  Arini go to bali last night

(?)  does Arini go to bali last night?

4. (+)  He was my new friend

(-)  he was not my new friend

(?)  Was he my new friend?

5. (?) Did you find my new wallet?

(+) You find my wallet

(-) you didnt find my wallet

6. (-) They did not play games after school

(+) they play games after school

(?) Did they play games after school?

7. (+) Roland had a beautiful bird named birdy

(-) Roland doesnt has a beautiful bird named birdy

(?) Does Roland has a beautiful bird named birdy

8. (+) We needed some help this morning

(-) we dont  need some help this morning

(?) Do we need some help this morning?

9. (?) Did they do the homework soon?

(+) They do the homework soon

(-) They dont do the homework soon

10. (+)  She left her bag in the class yesterday.

(-)  She doesnt leave her bag in the class yesterday.

(?) Does she leave her bag in the class yesterday?

semoga membantu yaa :D

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh humairohjuliana09 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21