A gerund or an infinitive? Change the verb in brackets

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mutissh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A gerund or an infinitive? Change the verb in brackets into the correct form (note that in some cases both forms can be correct).1. He is determined ___________ (win) that race.
2. He lay in bed ___________ (plan) the days to come.
3. We went ___________ (run) in the morning.
4. Her fear of spiders made _____________ (travel) difficult.
5. They don't mind ____________ (wait) outside.
6. The problem is ___________ (get) there on time.
7. I am accustomed to ____________ (take care) of myself.
8. I want him ____________ (paint) the wall.
9. ____________ (be), or ____________ (not be), that is the question.
10. This guy is known for ____________ (break) the rules.
11. Sue enjoys ____________ (dance).
12. The advantages of ____________ (go) by train were clearly visible.
13. Your advice ____________ (plan) ahead was excellent.
14. Your addiction to ___________ (drink) will not serve you well.
15. I am pleased __________ (meet) you.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Winning.

2. To plan

3. Running

4. Travelling

5. Waiting

6. Getting

7. Take care

8. To paint

9. Being, not being

10. Breaking

11. Dancing

12. Going

13. To plan

14. To drink

15. To meet

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Jun 21