How does capital flight affect exchange rate? Does GDP accurately reflect

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How does capital flight affect exchange rate?Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?

What was the most significant result of the Marshall Plan on Politics?

What is the significance of the development of production and the productivity in modem

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Jawaban & Penjelasan:

1. Does GDP accurately reflect the nation's welfare?

Answer : Per capita income simply divides national income by the total             population. Thus, GDP cannot be said to be a perfect measure of the level of welfare.

2. What were the most significant results of the Marshall Plan on Politics?

Answer : On the political side, US assistance through the Marshall Plan has made Western Europe no need to save money on people's welfare costs and this in turn has brought political stability. As a result, the influence of communists in Western Europe declined drastically and the popularity of communist parties in several European countries also declined.

3. What is the significance of modern production and productivity developments?

Answer : Productivity is the level of efficiency of an economy in using its capital, people and technology to produce output. Productivity is an important concept in the analysis of economic development, because apart from adding production inputs, income growth can occur as a result of increased productivity.

Sorry if it's not quite right, Thanks & Hope it helps

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Last Update: Fri, 16 Sep 22