what do the people do in North Sulawesi? Tolong jawab

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what do the people do in North Sulawesi? Tolong jawab ya karena ini harus di kumpulkan besok pliss Makasih. :)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

North Sulawesi is home to lush tropical rain forests, volcanic peaks and lakes and stunning beaches. These dramatic landscapes are home to some of the rarest and most unusual species of plants and animals on earth – including numerous endemic species.

Take a trek through the Tangkoko National Park and you’ll find troops of black crested macaques in their natural habitat and towards the end of the day the world’s smallest primate, the tarsier monkey usually makes an appearance!

As well as terrestrial life, North Sulawesi is famous for its diversity of marine life – look out for everything from breaching sperm whales and dugongs through to the minute pygmy seahorses which live on the coral fans. For nature lovers this is the trip of a lifetime!

harap betul

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Last Update: Fri, 18 Nov 22