1. are they workers ? yes, ...a. i amb. we

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari putrayudhabahari0301 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. are they workers ? yes, ...a. i am
b. we are
c. they do
d. they are

2. .... is your friend?
a. which of the boy
b. which of the boys
c. which from the boy
d. which from the boys

3. why don't you hang up this picture ....
a. in the wall
b. at the wall
c. to the wall
d. on the wall

4. how will you leave for lombok ?
a. with boat
b. through boat
c. by boat
d. on boat

5. i often go to the movies ...
a. by foot
b. on foot
c. in feet
d. with feet

6. we usually ... at home
a. eat dinner
b. eat for dinner
c. eating dinner
d. eating for dinner

7. my mother ... to the bank
a. seldom go
b. seldom to go
c. seldom goes
d. seldom going

8. please .... until i come back
a. stay here
b. stay at here
c. leave here
d. leave at here

9. they are busy, but ...
a. i not
b. i am not
c. so am i
d. me no

10. her grandfather has ...
a. back sick
b. a back illmen
c. a back ache
d. a back sore

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.













maaf klo salhh jawaban nyaa

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Sep 22