Tolong adek ku ya ^-^ 50 point lho Rules :

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari InWorldSystema pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong adek ku ya ^-^ 50 point lhoRules :
No ngasal
No ambil point
No bahasa ngawak
Tolong adek ku ya ^-^ 50 point lho
Rules :
No ngasal
No ambil point
No bahasa ngawak

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. Grammar "There is"

The grammar "there is" is used when the subject wants to indicate the existence of a single / only one object. In writing sentences, there will be additional a / an in front of the object. Examples:

  • There is a knife in my kitchen.
  • There is not an apple on the plate.
  • Is there a cat in the cage?

B. Grammar "There are"

The grammar "there are" is used when the subject wants to show the existence of many / more than one object. In writing a sentence there will be an additional s / es behind the object. Examples:

  • There are some books in the library.
  • There are not three avocadoes on the table.
  • Are there many animals in the zoo?

Answers of Questions

1. is (1) - Jl. Arjuna (7) - hotel (3) - located (5) - Park (4) - The (2) - ? (8) - at (6)

Is the hotel park located at Jl. Arjuna ?

2. spend - visitors - The - their time - beach - on - the - ? - Do (4-3-2-5-8-6-7-9-1 or 4-3-7-5-8-6-2-9-1)

Do the visitors spend their time on the beach ?

3. that - ? - Do - work - you - hotel - in - with your friend (5-8-1-3-2-4-6-7 or 6-8-1-3-2-7-5-4)


  • Do you work in that hotel with your friend?
  • Do you work with your friend in that hotel?

4. water heater (4) - is (2) - There (1) - a (4) - room (7) - every (6) - in (5)

There is a water heater in every room

5. is (2) - Where (1) - the (3) - hotel (5) - nearest (4) - ? (7) - from here (6)

Where is the nearest hotel from here?

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Interogative Sentence =>,

Grammar "There is" and "There are" =>


Kelas: 9

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Bab 5 - Past, Present and Future Tenses

Kode Kategorisasi: 9.5.5

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21