Write A Sentence in the simple past, past continuous, and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari HongouTakeshi1971 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Write A Sentence in the simple past, past continuous, and past perfect using every verb below!1. Laugh
The Simple Past Tense:
Past Continuous Tense:
Past Perfect Tense:

2. Learn
The Simple Past Tense:
Past Continuous Tense:
Past Perfect Tense:

3. Talk
The Simple Past Tense:
Past Continuous Tense:
Past Perfect Tense:

4. Hear
The Simple Past Tense:
Past Continuous Tense:
Past Perfect Tense:

5. Cook
The Simple Past Tense:
Past Continuous Tense:
Past Perfect Tense:


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. - he laughed every night

- she was laughing when i came

- my brother had laughed so loud before they went home

2. - i learned math with my teacher last month

- harry was learning english at 9 p.m

- dean had learned before he slept last y

3. - we talked about our homework last night

- they were talking in the field yesterday

- i had talked with him after school

4. - olivia heard a strange sound in her room last night

- zayn was hearing music when i learned

- louis and johnny had heard they teacher yesterday

5. - my mother cooked meat this morning

- me and bryan was cooking fried rice at 8 p.m

- leo had cooked noodle before he slept last night

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Last Update: Mon, 28 Jun 21