He didn't pas the exam. If he had studied harder,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lisaasabinaa02 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

He didn't pas the exam. If he had studied harder, he.....A. Can pass it
B. Could pass it
C. Could have passed it
D. Can passed it
E. Will pass it

She helped me, si i could move out. In other means;
A. If i couldn't habe moved out that box, she had help me.
B. I couldn't move out the box of she didn't help me
C. She wouldn't help me of i could move out that box
D. If she hadn't Helped me, i couldn't habe moved out that
E. If she doesn't help me, i can't leave out that box

If you ... Him... Your car, He.... It.
A. Lent-will break
B. Lend - would break
C. Lent - would have broken
D. Lent - Will have broken
E. Lend- Will break

If there... No noise. I should habe heard the news
A. Been
B. Has been
C. Had been
D. Were
E. Was

These picturae would be faded if you..... Them under the sunshine
A. Put
B. Had put
C. Pura
D. Would put
E. Would have put

The party would be interesting of John Lennon sang his favorite songs. Means:
A. The party is not interesting
B. The party was interesting
C. The party wasn't interesting
D. Lennon didn't sang his favorite songs
E. Lennon sang in the party

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


He didn't pas the exam. If he had studied harder, he Could have passed it.

A. Can pass it

B. Could pass it

C. Could have passed it

D. Can passed it

E. Will pass it

She helped me, so I could move out. In other means;

I couldn't move out the box if she didn't help me

A. If i couldn't have moved out that box, she had help me.

B. I couldn't move out the box if she didn't help me

C. She wouldn't help me of i could move out that box

D. If she hadn't Helped me, i couldn't habe moved out that

E. If she doesn't help me, i can't leave out that box

If you Lend him your car, He will break It.

A. Lent-will break

B. Lend - would break

C. Lent - would have broken

D. Lent - Will have broken

E. Lend- Will break

If there Had been No noise. I should have heard the news

A. Been

B. Has been

C. Had been

D. Were

E. Was

These pictures would be faded if you Put Them under the sunshine

A. Put

B. Had put

C. Pura

D. Would put

E. Would have put

The party would be interesting if John Lennon sang his favorite songs. Means: The party is not interesting

A. The party is not interesting

B. The party was interesting

C. The party wasn't interesting

D. Lennon didn't sang his favorite songs

E. Lennon sang in the party


Itu semua jawaban dalam bentuk Conditional Sentence. Untuk nomor terakhir, kalimat Conditional tipe 2 menyatakan bahwa sesuatu yang tidak mungkin terjadi saat ini atau di masa depan. Itulah sebabnya pernyataan terakhir menandakan bahwa pestanya tidak menarik dengan memakai to be "is" yg mewakili keadaan saat pernyataan tersebut diucapkan.

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Sun, 30 May 21