PRACTICE 9 Underline the most suitable answer in the brackets.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadinemm9 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

PRACTICE 9 Underline the most suitable answer in the brackets. 1. He lives on the seventh (floor, storey, block, row) of that block of flats. 2. She was very surprised to hear that she was the first-prize winner in the essay-writing (match, tournament, rivalry, competition). 3. After all the (compliments, encouragement, inspiration, praises) given by her friends and family, she was ready to face the situation. 4. Although he tried to (correct, help, excuse, justify) his action, the harm had already been done and no one wanted to be his friend any longer. 5. When Mrs Zhang noticed that she could not do as much housework as before, she realized that she was not (little, small, young, youthful) anymore. 6. Little John listened (hardly, attentively, thoughtfully, properly) while his teacher was teaching. 7. He seemed very (willing, ready, aggreeable, decided) to help his neighbours when they were in trouble. 8. Seeing that April Fool's Day was getting closer, Raju decided to play a (trick, hoax, joke, jest) on his friends. 9. There are many advantages as well as (disgreements, disorders, disadvantages, dissatisfaction) of watching television. 10. His report was found to be (inaccurate, inconvenient, independent, indirect) as it contained a number of errors. 11. He simply could not (receive, take, accept, recognize) the fact that he had failed in the examination. 12. He tried his (finest, most, excellent, best) in the quiz and did his school proud.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Floor

2. Competition

3. Encouragement

4. Justify

5. Young

6. Attentively

7. Willing

8. Trick

9. Disadvantages

10. Inaccurate

11. Accept

12. Best

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Last Update: Tue, 16 Aug 22