Soal Nomor 3 (Skor 10) Bacalah dialog berikut. / Please read

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari AnatasyaValery pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Soal Nomor 3 (Skor 10)Bacalah dialog berikut. / Please read the dialogue below.
Neil Smith: We are establishing a new office in Tokyo, and we are interested in purchasing a large
amount of goods from your company. Of course, provided that you give us a good offer.
Adam Jackson: What amount approximately are we talking about?
Neil Smith: We would need around 500 tables and twice that of chairs, as well as some other office
furniture. We will decide on the exact numbers no later than next Thursday.
Adam Jackson: I see. We could definitely offer a discount for such an amount of goods.
Neil Smith: So, how much of a discount would you be willing to offer to us? I know that this is on short
notice, but I'd like to add that we are on the hunt for a long-time partner.
Adam Jackson: I would like you to consider our offer of 5% off for the upcoming purchase and maybe a
little bit more after the contract for a longer-term relationship is signed. How does that sound to you?
Neil Smith: (1) I am afraid that might not be enough to close the deal. We are evaluating offers from
other suppliers, too.
Adam Jackson: You drive a hard bargain! I guess competition is fierce these days. What about a fixed
rate of 7% discount? That is my last word.
Neil Smith: (2) That sounds reasonable. I think we have a deal. Thank you very much. It is always a
pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Jackson.
Pertanyaan / Questions
Identifikasi ungkapan apa yang tersirat dalam kalimat yang bergaris bawah nomor 1 dan 2. / Identify
what expression is implied in each underlined sentence 1 and 2.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. The implied expressiononthe first sentenceis thatNeil Smith didn't agree with the offer, the discount was too low, he wanted a bigger discount. And he stated that he also got an offer from another party.
  2. On the second sentence Neil Smith agreed with that 7 % discount, he felt satisfied and closed the deal by saying "I think we have a deal."


Dalam teks dialog di atas ada proses negosiasi yang tejadi antara Adam Jackson sang supplier dan Neil Smith sang calon konsumen. Di dalam dua kalimat yang ditandai pada kalimat pertama Neil belum setuju dengan tawaran 5 %, ditandai dengan ucapan:

  • I am afraid that might not be enough to close the deal, artinya maaf, tawaran tadi belum cukup untuk membuat kesepakatan. Artinya tawaran itu ditolak.

Pada kalimat keduayang ditandaiNeil setuju dengan tawaran 7 % dengan mengatakan:

  • That sounds reasonable. I think we have a deal. Artinya cukup logis, kita sepakat!

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Last Update: Sun, 28 Aug 22