Arrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence. studying

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari setiaangga895 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

 Arrange the following jumbled words into a meaningful sentence. studying – is – become – he – a – to – dentist 1 2 3 4 5 6 74 poin

a. 4 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 7

b. 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 6 – 5 – 7

c. 5 – 7 – 4 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 3

d. 5 – 7 – 6 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1

6. Yudi : ...? Raha : Maybe he needs help.

4 poin

a. Is the man waving to us?

b. Why is the man waving to us?

c. How is the man waving to us?

d. When is the man waving to us?

7. A : I studied English last night B : What did you study last night ? B : …………..

4 poin

a. I study match

b. I studied match

c. I am studying match

d. I studies match

8. The underlined expression is used to ask about an activity that ...

4 poin

a. is happening

b. . is going to happen

c. happened in the past

d. will happen in the future

9. A: I was very happy yesterday B : why ? A : My grand mother visited me B : What did she do to you ? A : …………….

4 poin

a. She gives some money to me

b. She gave some money to me

c. She is giving some money to me

d. She giving some money to me

10. Miss Erita : Do you know why this classroom is empty? Alya : All the students are in the school yard, Ma’am.Miss Erita : What are they doing? Alya : ..., Ma’am.

4 poin

a. They had Physical Education.

b. They have Physical Education.

c. They are having Physical Education.

d. They were having Physical Education.

11. Ana : You were absen yesterday Ani ? WhyAni : I was sick Ani : By the way what did Mr.Hadi tell in the class Ana : He ….. about simple past tense

4 poin

a. To explain

b. Explained

c. Explaines

d. Explaining

12. Arrange this following words Did – not – they – together – study 1 2 3 4 5

4 poin

a. 3-4-1-2-5

b. 3-2-1-4-5

c. 3-1-2-5-4

d. 3-4-2-1-5

look at the pictures ! what is the correct statement about this pictures ?

4 poin

a. Joni is taller then jono

b. Jono is taller then Joni

c. Joni is shorter then Joni

d. Joni is shorter then Jono

14. Budi and anton went to the shoes shop. They want to buy shoes. Budi bought Eagle shoes by Rp.85.000 and anton bought Bata shoes by Rp.75.000 Budi’s shoes are ……… Anton shoes

4 poin

a. Cheaper

b. More expensive

c. Cheapest

d. Most expensive

15. Vita : Hi, Liz! How are you getting in your new job?Liza : Not bad. It wasn’t so good at first, but things…….better now.

4 poin

a. get

b. got

c. are getting

d. were getting

16. Heni is 165 centimeters tall.Susi is 158 centimeters tall Heni is taller than susi and susi is taller than Ita.Ita is …. Than heni and susi

4 poin

a. Taller

b. Shorter

c. More short

d. Shostest

17. The hospital is 3km from here.The bank is 4 km from here.The post office is 5 km from here.The hospital ……. Than the bank and the post office

4 poin

a. Nearest

b. Farthest

c. Near

d. Far

18. my father got tootache he want to meet a ……..

4 poin

a. Doctor

b. Dentist

c. Suster

d. Keeper of the drug store

19. Mr. Hendro told me that he could not read the newspaper because his ……. Leave in the office . Sohe asked me to take it.

4 poin

a. Newspaper

b. Book

c. Glasses

d. Pen

20. my mother want to cut the vegetable she need……..

4 poin

a. Spoon

b. Knife

c. Plate

d. Fork

this text is for question 21-25

I learned to ride on a bicycle in the school yard in the afternoon after school. And then I could ride in the small streets in the neighbourhood , with my friends. My friends and I often spent hours chatting in the small green yard near the kelurahan office. The boys climbed the big trees. We also swam in the river. It was still very clean at the time. It is very dirty now.

21. where did the writer learn to ride on bicycle ?

4 poin

a. At the school

b. In the school yard

c. In the yard

d. At the road

22. when did the writer learn ride on bicycle ?

4 poin

a. In the morning after school

b. In the evening afterschool

c. In the afternoon after school

d. In the morning

23. where did the writer chat together ?

4 poin

a. In the small green yard

b. In the small garden yard

c. In small yard

d. In small garden

24. what did the boys do ?They ……. The big trees

4 poin

a. Chated

b. Swam

c. Run

d. Climbed

25. why did the writer like swam in the river ?Because the water was …….

4 poin

a. Hot

b. Cool

c. Dirty

d. Clean

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


5. A

6. B

7. B

8. maaf gk bisa jawab krn expression nya gk ada

9. B

10. C

11. B

12. C

13. maaf gk bisa jawab krn gk ada picturenya

14. B

15. C

16. B

17. harusnya jawabannya nearer karena kalimat nya menandakan comparison

18. B

19. C

20. B

21. B

22. C

23. A

24. D

25. D

Semoga membantu.

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Last Update: Mon, 31 May 21