REMEDIAL NILAI PENGETAHUA Contoh: ditemukan dianggap A couple of weeks

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nugrahamaulana61 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

ditemukan dianggap
A couple of weeks ago, in Romania, chicken flu was discovered. It was thought that it came from Turkey, suntikan
which is located only a couple of hundred miles south of Romania. Now, people … injections, and a lot of
tujuan penyebaran
chickens are being killed for the purpose of keeping the virus from spreading.
A. are being given
B. will be given
C. were given
D. are given
E. give

Now, people …. Injections,
Kata “now” menunjukkan penggunaan present continuous tense.
Dalam B. Indonesia bisa diartikan “Sekarang orang-orang memberi suntikan/diberi suntikan.”
Jawaban yang tepat adalah “diberi suntikan”
Maka, kita harus menggunakan present continuous tense dalam bentuk passive voice.
Polanya : S + to be + being + V3
Jawaban yang sesuai pola passive voice adalah A. are being given

1. Ardhi : Too bad. I got a C- on my Biology test.
Bima : Well, if you want to get a better score, you should study harder and play less. Ardhi : I think you're right. Thank you.

What are they talking about?
A. Ardhi was pleased about his score.
B. Bima gave suggestion to Ardhi.
C. Bima regreted Ardhi’s score.
D. Bima played more often than Ardhi.
E. Ardhi’s test needed Vitamin C.
Penjelasan :

2. Jane : I often come late to work because my old car frequently breaks down.
Vincent : If I were you, … A. I will repair it by myself.
B. I would buy a new one.
C. I will take it to a mechanic.
D. I can buy you a new one.
E. I would ask your money.
Penjelasan :

3. Ms. Tini : Will you come to the meeting?
Mr. Aryo: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind. What’s the topic we are going to discuss?
Ms. Tini : English laboratory for our school. It is going to be interesting, isn’t it? Mr. Aryo: Okay, then. I will come ....

A. if I had time
B. if I weren’t busy
C. if it doesn’t rain
D. if my wife allowed me
E. if I had much money
Penjelasan :

4. Putra : My boss offered me a new position, but I am not interested in it.
Bobby : Really? If I were you, ....
A. I would refuse the offer
B. I would take the chance
C. I would leave the new position
D. I would ask for another position
E. I would give it to my best friend
Penjelasan :

5. Mela : I have already put the letter here. What’s next?
Bowo : Do you see the “start” button on the machine? If you press it, … Mela : Oh, yes. Thank you.
A. you will see the next instruction.
B. you would see the next instruction.
C. you might see the next instruction.
D. you would have seen the next instruction.
E. you wouldn’t see the next instruction
Penjelasan :

6. Ruth : If you lived in another country, where would you go?
Billy : Is it kind of dreaming? Of course …. because I like the culture, cuisine, and traditional palace.
A. I’m going to Korea
B. I choose Japan
C. I will stay in Korea
D. I would choose Japan
E. I can be happy in Korea
Penjelasan :

7. Mom : Ryan, what are you doing? Can you get down here and help me? Ryan : I’m doing my homework, mom.
Mom : If you finish your homework, … and buy some eggs. Ryan : Sure, mom.
A. clean your bed
B. go to the grocery
C. take your book
D. go to the dentist
E. visit your grandmother
Penjelasan :

8. If you feel anxious about tomorrow‘s exam, … relaxing music and sleep earlier.
A. record and sing
B. create some lyrics
C. play the guitar
D. hit the drum
E. try to listen to
Penjelasan :

9. Ali : What do you think about the scholarship?
Ina : I think you deserve it. Ali : Why do you think so?
Ina : You have worked hard for it. If there is a chance to study abroad, …!
A. go for it
B. refuse it
C. find it
D. wait for it
E. deny it
Penjelasan :

10. Sinta : Can I borrow your novel?
Diani : I’m sorry.The novel ... at the moment.
A. are read by Ika
B. will be given by me
C. was borrowed by Intan
D. were borrowed by them
E. is being read by my sister
Penjelasan :

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Ardhi : Too bad. I got a C- on my Biology test.

Bima : Well, if you want to get a better score, you should study harder and play less. Ardhi : I think you're right. Thank you.

What are they talking about?

A. Ardhi was pleased about his score.

B. Bima gave suggestion to Ardhi.

C. Bima regreted Ardhi’s score.

D. Bima played more often than Ardhi.

E. Ardhi’s test needed Vitamin C.

Penjelasan :

Kalimat poin B. menggunakan pola Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

2. Jane : I often come late to work because my old car frequently breaks down.

Vincent : If I were you, …

A. I will repair it by myself.

B. I would buy a new one.

C. I will take it to a mechanic.

D. I can buy you a new one.

E. I would ask your money.

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pada poin B. merupakan pola Conditional type 2:

If + subject + were + adjective/noun+Subject + would be + adjective/noun


If l were you, I would accept that job offer. Fakta: I am not you.

3. Ms. Tini : Will you come to the meeting?

Mr. Aryo: I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind. What’s the topic we are going to discuss?

Ms. Tini : English laboratory for our school. It is going to be interesting, isn’t it?

Mr. Aryo: Okay, then. I will come ....

A. if I had time

B. if I weren’t busy

C. if it doesn’t rain

D. if my wife allowed me

E. if I had much money

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pada jawaban di atas mengikuti pola Conditional type 1:

if+ subject + VI (Simple Present Tense) + Subject + will + Verb-1


If+ subject + (be) present + adjective/noun + Subject + will be + adjective/noun

Contoh :

If I work hard, I will get a lot of money.

If I have a lot of money, I will buy an expensive car.

4. Putra : My boss offered me a new position, but I am not interested in it.

Bobby : Really? If I were you, ....

A. I would refuse the offer

B. I would take the chance

C. I would leave the new position

D. I would ask for another position

E. I would give it to my best friend

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pada poin B. merupakan pola Conditional type 2:

If + subject + were + adjective/noun+Subject + would be + adjective/noun


If l were you, I would accept that job offer. Fakta: I am not you.

5. Mela : I have already put the letter here. What’s next?

Bowo : Do you see the “start” button on the machine? If you press it, … Mela : Oh, yes. Thank you.

A. you will see the next instruction.

B. you would see the next instruction.

C. you might see the next instruction.

D. you would have seen the next instruction.

E. you wouldn’t see the next instruction

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pada jawaban di atas mengikuti pola Conditional type 1:

if+ subject + VI (Simple Present Tense) + Subject + will + Verb-1


If+ subject + (be) present + adjective/noun + Subject + will be + adjective/noun

Contoh :

If I work hard, I will get a lot of money.

If I have a lot of money, I will buy an expensive car.

6. Ruth : If you lived in another country, where would you go?

Billy : Is it kind of dreaming? Of course …. because I like the culture, cuisine, and traditional palace.

A. I’m going to Korea

B. I choose Japan

C. I will stay in Korea

D. I would choose Japan

E. I can be happy in Korea

Penjelasan :

Jawabannya adalah poin D. karena mengikuti pola Kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence) type 2:

If + subject + V2/simple past tense + Subject + would + Vl/past future tense

7. Mom : Ryan, what are you doing? Can you get down here and help me? Ryan : I’m doing my homework, mom.

Mom : If you finish your homework, … and buy some eggs.

Ryan : Sure, mom.

A. clean your bed

B. go to the grocery

C. take your book

D. go to the dentist

E. visit your grandmother

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pengandaian type 0.

8. If you feel anxious about tomorrow‘s exam, … relaxing music and sleep earlier.

A. record and sing

B. create some lyrics

C. play the guitar

D. hit the drum

E. try to listen to

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pada jawaban di atas merupakan Kalimat pengandaian type 0  

9. Ali : What do you think about the scholarship?

Ina : I think you deserve it. Ali : Why do you think so?

Ina : You have worked hard for it. If there is a chance to study abroad, …!

A. go for it

B. refuse it

C. find it

D. wait for it

E. deny it

Penjelasan :

Kalimat pengandaian type 0

Karena "if there is a chance" (merupakan kalimat Nominal dari Simple Present Tense)

10. Sinta : Can I borrow your novel?

Diani : I’m sorry.The novel ... at the moment.

A. are read by Ika

B. will be given by me

C. was borrowed by Intan

D. were borrowed by them

E. is being read by my sister


Kata “at the moment” menunjukkan penggunaan present continuous tense.

Dalam B. Indonesia bisa diartikan “novelnya sedang dibaca oleh saudara perempuanku saat ini.”

Jawaban yang tepat adalah “sedang dibaca = is being read (karena jumlah novelnya hanya satu)

Maka, kita harus menggunakan present continuous tense dalam bentuk passive voice.

Polanya : S + to be + being + V3

Jawaban yang sesuai pola passive voice adalah E. is being read by my sister

Semoga membantu ya.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh cyberpresent dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Sun, 11 Jul 21