One day, on the first day of the week I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari r14232585 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

One day, on the first day of the week I was caught in the rain when I reached home from school. I startedsneezing. Soon, I was down with a cold. The next morning my mother took me to the doctor. The doctor said that
I had flu and gave me some medicines. He also advised me to drink more water and take a good rest.
When I reached home, I went straight to bed. I slept till lunch time. My mother carried my meal to my
bedroom. She also brought me medicine. After eating, I went back to sleep. When I woke up for dinner. I felt much
20. My mother carried my meal to my bedroom.
What is the synonym of underlined word?
A. Food
B. Feast
C. Drug
D. Meat

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Underline word nya yg mana? kalau MEAL=FOOD

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Last Update: Mon, 26 Jul 21