Responding to suggestions Activity 4 Match the following situations with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari indrialifia12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Responding to suggestions Activity 4 Match the following situations with suitable expressions of suggestions. Situation 1. My friend and I have been practicing singing for hours. 2. My town has been implementing a lockdown for several days. My little brother feels bored. 3. The garden looks messy. You don't have tools to trim the trees. 4. My friend couldn't call his parents due to a signal problem. My phone is fine. 5. It's already late, and one of your friends hasn't come to the meeting. 6. Your mother is very busy. She does a lot of office and house work. 7. You are friendly, but very shy. 8. Your bedroom is tidy, but it looks empty and boring. 9. You sometimes wake up late in the morning. 10. You always want to be able to make cool art. FOLD Activity 5 Scan the following OR code . . . . . . . . . . . Suggestion I should go to a home appliance store. You should help her do house chores. How about attending a design course? We should practice more. How about playing a VR together? I think you should meet and talk to more people. Pajar Rosa You should buy an alarm clock. I think we should take a break. You should stay at home. You should borrow garden shears from your neighbor. You may use mine. You'd better call him now. Let's start the meeting. You should put some decorations. You should go to the park. Fajar Ros Fai Re Fa P​

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YGTKTS...... Yo Gak Tau Kok Tanya Saya



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Last Update: Thu, 10 Nov 22