Answer Answer these all questions by using Present continuous Tense(I).Using

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Younggerl pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

AnswerAnswer these all questions by using Present continuous Tense

(I).Using to be

1.Jane and father....eating pizza in the living room

2.The rice cooker....properly.Do you have another one? the dining room before I go to sleep

4.Look!someone....trying to break into your house

5.Please be quiet.The children...

6.The Boys....playing soccer at the yard

7.Maria and Peter....watching the movie at home

8.The students....studying English now

9.The eagles....flying in the sky

10.This calculator...not working properly

(II) .Changes into,affirmative,negative or interrogative sentence with correctly!

1.No,she is not.she is rating

2.yes,they are laughing

3.Is she washing her clothes?

4.They are talking about a poem.

5.Is she studying English?

6.Iam waiting for the shop to open

7.My father is not reading a newspaper

8.We are cooking spaghetti together

9.Am I standing in front of the door?

10.She is not playing a guitarI.Using to be

1.Jane and father....eating pizza in the living room

2.The rice cooker....properly.Do you have another one? the dining room before I go to sleep

4.Look!someone....trying to break into your house

5.Please be quiet.The children...

6.The Boys....playing soccer at the yard

7.Maria and Peter....watching the movie at home

8.The students....studying English now

9.The eagles....flying in the sky

10.This calculator...not working properly

(II). Changes into,affirmative,negative or interrogative sentence with correctly!

1.No,she is not.she is rating

2.yes,they are laughing

3.Is she washing her clothes?

4.They are talking about a poem.

5.Is she studying English?

6.Iam waiting for the shop to open

7.My father is not reading a newspaper

8.We are cooking spaghetti together

9.Am I standing in front of the door?

10.She is not playing a guitar).Using to be

1.Jane and father....eating pizza in the living room

2.The rice cooker....properly.Do you have another one? the dining room before I go to sleep

4.Look!someone....trying to break into your house

5.Please be quiet.The children...

6.The Boys....playing soccer at the yard

7.Maria and Peter....watching the movie at home

8.The students....studying English now

9.The eagles....flying in the sky

10.This calculator...not working properly

(II).Changes into,affirmative,negative or interrogative sentence with correctly!

1.No,she is not.she is rating

2.yes,they are laughing

3.Is she washing her clothes?

4.They are talking about a poem.

5.Is she studying English?

6.Iam waiting for the shop to open

7.My father is not reading a newspaper

8.We are cooking spaghetti together

9.Am I standing in front of the door?

10.She is not playing a guitar

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Are

2. is not working

3. am

4. is

5. are

6. are

7. are

8. are

9. are

10. is

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Last Update: Mon, 17 May 21