Text for question amber 15-17 Ibn Sina's first appointment was that

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Text for question amber 15-17Ibn Sina's first appointment was that of physician to the emir, Nuh II, who owed him his recovery from a
15. illness (997). Ibn Sina's chief reward for this service was access to the royal library of the Samanids,
well-known patrons of scholarship and scholars. When the library was destroyed by fire not long after,
the enemies of Ibn Sina accused him of burning it, in order for ever to conceal the sources of his
knowledge. Meanwhile, he assisted his father in his financial labors, but still found time to write some of
his earliest works
When Ibn Sina was 22 years old, he lost his father. The Samanid dynasty came to its end in December
1004. Ibn Sina seems to have declined the offers of Mahmud of Ghazni, and proceeded westwards to
Urgench in modern Turkmenistan, where the vizier, regarded as a friend of scholars, gave him a small
monthly stipend. The pay was small, however, so Ibn Sina wandered from place to place 16...the
districts of Nishapur and Merv to the borders of Khorasan, seeking an opening for his talents. Qabus, the
generous ruler of Tabaristan, himself a poet and a scholar, with whom Ibn Sina had expected to find
asylum, was on about that date (1012) starved to death by his troops who had revolted. Ibn Sina himself
was at this time stricken by a severe illness. Finally, at Gorgan, near the Caspian Sea, Ibn Sina met with a
friend, who bought a dwelling near his own house in which Ibnu Sina 17... on logic and astronomy
Several of Ibn Sina's treatises were written for this patron, and the commencement of his Canon of
Medicine also dates from his stay in Hyrcania.
Sumber: https://en.wikipedia.org
15. Which of these following words is appropriate to fill the gap above?
A dangerous
B. rare
C. benevolent
D. malevolent
E mischief
16. Which of these following prepositions is appropriate to fill the gap above?
A through
B. during
C. throughout
D. for
E by
17. Which of these following words is appropriate to fill the gap above?
A, lecture
B. lecturer
C. lecturing
D. lectured
E lectureship

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


15. A. Dangerous

16. A. Through

17. D. Lectured


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Last Update: Wed, 23 Jun 21