West Java was Rocked by 5 SR Earthquake Berita.Com, Jakarta:

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West Java was Rocked by 5 SR EarthquakeBerita.Com, Jakarta: An earthquake shocked Indonesia again. This time, a 5 righter scale earthquake shake up Cianjur, West Java.

"The earthquake occurred on Saturday at around 17:36 pm," said citizen. According to BMKG, the earthquake was in a depth of 10 kilometers in 8:37 south latitude – 06.79 East Longitude.

The earthquake which happened in the afternoon created panic among the residents. They were afraid of tsunami which can be caused by the earthquake. Luckily, the fear did not happen.

"The earthquake did not cause a tsunami because the strength was not big enough," said BMKG.

Nevertheless, hundreds of homes were damaged and destroyed by the earthquake. However, so far it's unknown whether there were fatalities or injured in the incident. (AN)

Analisislah berita tsb
a. What is the purpose of the news?
b. What is the main idea of the text

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A. The purpose of the news is to tell us that there is an earthquake is happening in Indonesia Again

B. The main idea is An earthquake shocked Indonesia again

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21