XERCISES OF PASSIVE VOICE ( LK ) Arrange these jumble words

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nescaazuraone pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

XERCISES OF PASSIVE VOICE ( LK )Arrange these jumble words become good passive voice sentence.

Simple Present tense
1.repaired –is- by her -? - The work- immediately

The work is repaired immediately by her?.
2.My - cleaned – everyday- is- room

3.Bought- are- by father- every month- Delicious doughnuts

4.A new- .with love- day-. is. - and gratitude- started

day a new with is love and gratitude started

Simple Past tense
5.by the thief - His parent’s car - last night- stolen - was not

last night His parent’s car was not stolen by the thief
6.Were- by Deby - some poems- last month- ? – written

Were written by Deby some poems- last month?

7.Where- ?- born- you- -were


Simple Future tense
8. not be - by the farmers - next month - The crops - harvested - shall

next shall month not be

9.Asked – We - be - to show - by security officer - our identification - will

we will Asked be to show our identification by security officer

10.Be – met - ? - by him - at Tebet - will - next Sunday - They


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


rumus passive voice

subjek dan objek dibalik kemudian ditambah be yang sesuai dan diikuti V3, lalu by + Objek.

1. Is the work immediately repaired by her?

2. My room is cleaned everyday.

3. Delicious doughnuts are bought by father every month.

4. A new day is started with love and gratitude.

5. His parent’s car was not stolen by the thief last night.

6. Were some poems written by Deby last month?

7. Where were you born?

8. The crops shall not be harvested by the farmers next month.

9. We will be asked to show our identification by security officer.

10. Will they be met by him at Tebet next Sunday?

semangat belajar





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Last Update: Sun, 27 Jun 21