B. 1. Beacon (N) 2. light

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aprilyadwinuraini pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. 1. Beacon (N)2. light (N)
3. lead (V)
4. faces (N)
5. faith (N)
6. worries (N)
7. Down (N)
8. 'em (coll)
9. peak (v)
10. burn (v)

C. Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics above!
1. what is the theme of the song?
2. what is the purpose of the song?
3. to whom is the song addressed?
4. what does "shine a light" mean?
5. what is the message of the song? ​
B. 1. Beacon (N) 2. light (N) 3. lead (V) 4. faces (N) 5. faith (N) 6. worries (N) 7. Down (N) 8. 'em (coll) 9. peak (v) 10. burn (v) C. Answer the following questions based on the song lyrics above! 1. what is the theme of the song? 2. what is the purpose of the song? 3. to whom is the song addressed? 4. what does

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


B. 1. menara api/ tanda di darat

2. cahaya

3. memimpin


5. kepercayaan / kesetiaan

6. kesusahan/ kekhawatiran

7. bawah/ turun

8. (them) mereka

9. puncak

10. terbakar

C. 1. shine a light

2. to motivation us to keep spirit and look forward though the hard always exist around us

3. David Archuleta, shaun halley murphy ballin, kimberly isabeau miller

4. to rise up from a failure and optimist

5. to inspiring us in order not to be fear about our reverse or any failure that we have experinced. and sure that we can trough our struggle

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Last Update: Sun, 27 Jun 21